TEXT: ECCLESIASTES 8:10-13 The Fear of the Lord helps us to turn from our wickedness The days of the wicked soon pass into the grave The evil of the wicked is encouraged when not punished The sin of the wicked continues unto destruction if they do not repent The fear of the Lord causes us…
TEXT: ECCLESIASTES 12 Introduction: The summation of the whole letter regarding the vanity of life lived under the sun instead of under the Son Don’t wait too late to trust in the Lord Ecclesiastes 12:1-8 Turn to the Lord while you are young Before sinful habits cause you to hate life Before misery removes…
TEXT: Ecclesiastes 11 God’s principle of sowing and reaping is universal Ecclesiastes 11:1-4 1. Living generously brings forth blessings Savings is a valuable thing in time of need Ecclesiastes 11:2 What we sow in living life we will reap in life and eternity There is much in this world we do not…
TEXT: Ecclesiastes 10 Wisdom results in honor more than foolishness ever will Ecclesiastes 10:1-4 Foolishness is corrupting to a good reputation Wisdom is honoring to the reputation of anyone Foolishness in anyone is evident to everyone Wisdom can help us be more effective in life Ecclesiastes 10:5-10 Leading without wisdom is bad…
TEXT: Ecclesiastes 9 We all have one thing in common Ecclesiastes 9:1-6 Our temporal existence needs to be contemplated We need to consider it in our inner being We all answer to our Creator Hebrews 9:27-28 We do not know what the future holds for us Proverbs 27:1; James 4:14 Our mortal…
TEXT: Ecclesiastes 8 God’s wisdom can help us live life effectively Ecclesiastes 8:1-4 True wisdom is identifiable by others James 3:13-18 Wise counsel is valuable to follow Romans 13:1-5; Ephesians 6:1-3 It is unwise to disrespect God ordained authority Daniel 1:8-21 There are…
Continued from the morning message: TEXT: Ecclesiastes 7 4. God’s wisdom from God’s Word draws us to our need of God Ecclesiastes 7:15-22 Proverbs 2:6 We do not always experience justice even doing right We cannot make ourselves righteous but we can be foolish We are living best when we honor the Lord…
TEXT: ECCLESIASTES 7 Life is serious, so live it seriously Ecclesiastes 7:1-6 Your reputation & legacy are vital to your success in life Proverbs 22:1; Hebrews 11:1-3, 39-40; Luke 7:36-50; John 12:1-5; Mark 14:3-6 The brevity of life helps us understand the seriousness of it The sadness of life helps us to make…
TEXT: Ecclesiastes 6 There are disappointments for everyone in this life Ecclesiastes 6:1,2 There are many things in this life that are common to all people Achievements are less satisfying when we do not get to enjoy them Ecclesiastes 5:13-16; Jude 1:3 Our successes that only benefit another is not as gratifying …
TEXT: Ecclesiastes 5 Fearing God helps you truly be a worshipper not a fool Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 Watch your behavior, words and ambitions before the Holy God of eternity Watch yourself when you come to worship the Holy God of eternity Worshipping the only true God is a serious matter God takes worship seriously &…