TEXT: Ecclesiastes 10
- Wisdom results in honor more than foolishness ever will Ecclesiastes 10:1-4
- Foolishness is corrupting to a good reputation
- Wisdom is honoring to the reputation of anyone
- Foolishness in anyone is evident to everyone
- Wisdom can help us be more effective in life Ecclesiastes 10:5-10
- Leading without wisdom is bad for everyone
- It is better for everyone to lead in wisdom
- Wisdom helps us to work smarter, not merely harder
- Our words display our wisdom or lack thereof Ecclesiastes 10:11-15
- Words can bite us if we are not careful
- Wise words are a gracious blessing
- Foolishness is destructive to everyone
- The difference a life can make in wisdom or foolishness Ecclesiastes 10:16-20
- The difference an honorable life can make
- The difference a dishonorable life can make
- Due to immaturity vs. 16a
- Due to pleasure seeking vs. 16b
- Due to laziness vs. 18
- Due to materialism vs. 19b
- Due to words out for control vs. 20