TEXT: Psalm 96
Introduction: “O worship the LORD” Psalm 96:9
- In the beauty of holiness
- In the fear of the Lord
- In the presence of the Lord
- Singing the glory of God as a witness to others Psalm 96:1-5
- Singing a new song that is different from the world’s songs
- A new song unto the Lord not the old songs unto the flesh
- A new song unto the Lord not the old songs unto the devil
- A new song unto the Lord to bless Him not the old songs to other people
- Singing a new song that is all about the greatness of God
- Singing the wonders of His great glory among all people
- Singing the wonders of His greatness as superior over all false gods
- Singing the wonders of His great power as the Creator of His creation
- Singing a new song that is praise to the Creator God Psalm 96:4b-5
- Praise that is worthy of the greatness of God
- Praise that is honoring to the Lord for who He is
- Praise that is due the Lord for being the Creator of all the universe and its host
- Singing a new song that is different from the world’s songs
- Honoring the Lord by giving Him the glory He is due Psalm 96: 6-8
- Giving Him the honor He is worthy of
- Giving Him the glory due Him for His majesty
- Giving Him the service He is deserving of empowered by His power
- Giving Him the offering He has provided to us by His good hand
- Giving Him the worship He is owed to Him in His house and presence
- Preparing ourselves for accountability to the Lord Psalm 96: 10-13
- Declaring God’s sovereign authority to the lost
- Declaring God’s majesty as Creator of all the universe
- Declaring God’s supremacy as Judge over all of His creation