TEXT: Revelation 3:14-22
- Introduction:
- The church at Ephesus Revelation 2:1-7
- The church at Pergamos Revelation 2:12-17
- The church at Thyatira Revelation 2:18-29
- The church at Sardis Revelation 3:1-6
- The church of the people instead of the Lord Revelation 3:14-22
- The rights of the people over the truth of the Lord
- The message of the Lord to this church of the people
- The Word of the Lord to this church where He was not welcome
- The church that was revolting to the Saviour
- The church that was physically rich but spiritually poor & blind
- They were still loved by the Lord
- They were keeping the Lord on the outside
- They were invited to commune with the Lord
- The church that stands as an example to us all to heed