TEXT: REVELATION 2:20-23 Wednesday, May 22, 2024
MAY 15, 2024 TEXT: REVELATION 4:8-11 Biblical Worship always acknowledges God’s greatness. Revelation 4:8 The greatness of God’s holiness The greatness of His triune existence The greatness of His sovereignty The greatness of God’s power The greatness of God’s eternality Biblical Worship always glorifies God. Revelation 4:9 It gives glory to God It gives honor…
“The Fear of the Lord Helps Us Experience Heaven” Rev. 14:6-13 Introduction: vs. 7 >Fearing God motivates us to give glory to God >Fearing God causes us to trust in the Lord and escape His judgement >Fearing God enables us to worship God on earth and in Heaven I. This experience is taking place in…
TEXT: Revelation 14 and 15 The fear of the Lord helps us to worship the right person Revelation 14:6-11 Knowing Him through the right Gospel vs. 6 Knowing Him truthfully Knowing Him personally Knowing Him intimately Knowing Him accurately through His truth Revelation 14:7 Respectfully as the Great God He is Righteously in His…
TEXT: Revelation 3:14-22 Introduction: The church at Ephesus Revelation 2:1-7 The church at Pergamos Revelation 2:12-17 The church at Thyatira Revelation 2:18-29 The church at Sardis Revelation 3:1-6 The church of the people instead of the Lord Revelation 3:14-22 The rights…
TEXT: Revelation 3:7-13; 2:8-11 Introduction: Philadelphia “love as brethren” I hope we will be a loving church Revelation 3:7-13 This church was listening to the true head of it This church was true in its action I hope we will be a faithful church Revelation 2:8-11 They were faithful to their eternal Saviour…
Text: Revelation 16:4-7 Introduction: Revelation 16:1-3 The setting of this is coming from the Temple in Heaven The circumstance is the judgment of God on sinners on earth This prayer of praise was from one of the angels carrying out God’s judgment See Verse 5 This prayer of praise is for the judgment of God …
TEXT: REVELATION 15:1-8 What we see motivates us to pray Revelation 15:1-2 John saw another sign in Heaven John saw the wrath of God being filled up John saw the tribulation saints in Heaven A great multitude of saints who had been through fiery trials A great number of saints who receive victory in…
Text: Revelation 11:15-19 The context of this prayer It is taking place in Heaven In my perspective this is after the rapture Revelation 4; I Thessalonians 4:13-18 This is after the 7th trumpet is sounded in judgement This is after the 2nd of 3 “woes” This is befoe the return of Christ to rule &…