“The Fear of the Lord Helps Us Experience Heaven” Rev. 14:6-13
Introduction: vs. 7
>Fearing God motivates us to give glory to God
>Fearing God causes us to trust in the Lord and escape His judgement
>Fearing God enables us to worship God on earth and in Heaven
I. This experience is taking place in Heaven vss. 6-7
- Fearing God causes us to benefit from His everlasting Gospel vs. 6
- It must be preached on the earth
- It must be believed on the earth Luke 5:17-26
- It must be proclaimed to every people group
- Reverencing God causes us to bring Him the glory He deserves vs. 7a
- He is glorified in His judgment of our sins
- He is glorified in His Son taking our judgment for our sins
- He is glorified in His creation being redeemed back unto Him
- Respecting God causes us to offer Him the worship He is worthy of vs7b
II. God is deserving of glory because He alone is eternally victorious vs. 8
- God’s enemies will ultimately fall in eternal destruction
- God’s enemies are intoxicated with the deception of Satan
- God’s enemies are complicit in the lust of their illegitimate union with Satan
III. God’s judgment is pure, true, and final for everyone and everything vss. 10-13
- The followers of Satan will experience God’s wrath on sin vs. 10
- The enemies of God will experience God’s eternal judgment vs. 11
- Those who are obedient to the faith of Jesus escape God’s wrath vs. 12
- Those who die in the Lord live eternally in Heaven with God vs. 13