Evangelist Greg Wagoner from Amarillo, TX sings & preaches. TEXT: ISAIAH 61:1-3; LUKE 4:16-21 Conclusion: “I know where I’m going to spend eternity, do you?”
Sept. 4, 2024 TEXT: Isaiah 58 I. The warning about sinning in not fasting obediently (v. 1) A. Stand up against it B. Speak out against it C. Show people the sinfulness of it II. The motions of obedience without the heart of obedience (vv. 2-4) A. Seeking the Lord daily, but not finding Him…
TEXT: ISAIAH 40:1-31 A New Message. Isaiah 40: 1-5 Speak comfort Prepare the way for the LORD’s coming God’s Glory will be revealed Mankind is weak, but God is strong. Isaiah 40:6-8; James 1:10; 1 Peter 1:24 Our lives are short, just like the grass. James 1:11 Our goodliness is like a flower in a…
June 5, 2024 TEXT: Isaiah 6:1-9 I. Biblical Worship exalts the Lord properly (vv. 1-4) A. Exalted as the object of attention B. Exalted as the Holy God of Heaven C. Exalted as the Triune God of the angels D. Exalted as the LORD of His creation E. Exalted as the God of glory filling…
December 17, 2023 TEXT: Isaiah 11:1-16 I. His birth coming to earth in human form (v. 1) He would come in the future He would come from the line of Jesse He would come as a Branch that will grow out of the root (I Kings 11:9-11; Isaiah 9:6-7; Romans 15:6-13) II. His ministry beginning…
TEXT: ISAIAH 45:18-25 INTRODUCTION: GENESIS 1:1; JOHN 1:1-2 The true God is the Creator of all things. The Lord God is declared to be the Creator. Acts 4:24 The Lord God alone established the functioning of creation. Psalm 102:24-28 The Lord God created the earth to be inhabited with life. Hebrews 1:5-14 The creation of…
I. God has to provide His forgiveness to us by His own means. Isaiah 7:14 A. God’s provision for our sins is the only way to be right with Him eternally. B. Jesus was born of a virgin, so He had no earthly dad for a sin nature through Adam. C. Jesus was conceived miraculously…
The Fear of the Lord is His Treasure TEXT: ISAIAH 33:1-13 I. The Lord is always at work even when we do not see it vs. 1 A. Injustice will be dealt with by God even if it looks like it is not B.Treachery will be dealt with by God even if it looks like…
TEXT: Isaiah 55:1-11 Introduction: “Hey Ya’ll, Listen UP! God’s call to all of mankind is the same Isaiah 55:1-2 Find true satisfaction for your needs in the Lord Find true value for your resources in obeying the Lord Find true fulfilment in your life by living God’s way God’s invitation is the same for…