Feb. 12, 2024 TEXT: Romans 6:8-19 Introduction: From Lesson #19 on Jan. 8 Romans 8:1-11 III. It helps us to live in the Spirit to life in God’s righteousness (vv. 9-11) A. At salvation our spirit is made alive by the Holy Spirit indwelling us (v. 9) 1. Being in relationship with the Spirit of…
Feb. 5, 2024 TEXT: John 7:25-39 Introduction: This text is taking place in the month of October The feast of tabernacles is going on in much of this chapter It is the celebration of God’s provision and protection during their travels through the wilderness after the exodus from Egypt recorded in the book of Exodus.…
Jan. 22, 2024 TEXT: I Cor. 7:1-5 I. The context is clearly sexual contact (v. 1) A. It is good for men and women to relate as brothers and sisters (I Timothy 5:2; Matthew 12:50) B. It is good for men and women to relate in purity before the Lord (Philippians 4:8; I Thessalonians 5:22;…
Jan. 15, 2024 TEXT: Philippians 3:12-21 I. As long as we live on earth we must work against our flesh (vv. 12-17) A. We can never feel like we have arrived (vv. 12-13) B. We need to be always making progress (vv. 13-14) C. We need to focus our mind on the Lord (vv. 15-17)…
Jan. 8, 2024 TEXT: Romans 8:1-11 I. It helps those in Christ to be sensitive to His Spirit (vv. 1-3) A. To not be controlled by our flesh (v. 1) B. To live under the authority of the Spirit (v. 2) C. To live in the victory that Jesus won for us (v. 3) II.…
Dec. 11, 2024 “Fasting & Prayer Helps Us Follow God’s Will” TEXT: Acts 13:1-5 I. God works through people who are obedient (vv. 1-2) A. Obediently part of the local church B. Obediently serving in the local church C. Obediently fasting as a local church II. God speaks to those who are listening (v. 2)…
Dec. 4, 2024 TEXT: Acts 9:3-18 I. God is able to get our attention (vv. 3-6) A. Jesus as God is superior to His creation (v. 3) B. Jesus as God spoke from Heaven to Saul (v. 4) C. Jesus as God spoke as the risen Lord and Saviour (v. 5) D. Jesus as God…
Nov. 20, 2024 TEXT: Matthew 6:5-16 I. Jesus is teaching His disciples how to pray (vv. 5-15) A. Jesus teaches them how not to pray (vv. 5-8) 1. He expresses His expectation of them praying (vv. 5, 7) Jesus said when thou prayest, not if thou prayest (v. 5a) Jesus said when ye pray, not…
Nov.13, 2024 TEXT: Matthew 4:1-11 Introduction: “Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. (v.1) (Matthew 3:13-17) Following being identified as the Christ by John the Baptist Following being inaugurated as the Son of God Following being declared as the Messiah of God I. Jesus was…
Oct. 23, 2024 TEXT: Mark 9:14-29 I. Causes of powerlessness (vv. 14-19) A. Faithlessness (v. 19) B. Perverseness (Matthew 17:17) C. Remoteness 1. Not walking with the Lord 2. Not abiding in Christ (John 15:4-8) 3. Not letting His Word abide in you (Colossians 3:16) II. Results of powerlessness (vv. 17-18, 20-22) A. Destruction of…