Missionary to South Africa, Steve Myers, challenges us from Acts 7:20-36 and gives an update on the work on the mission field. If we want to be used by God, we must get out of the way and let God work. Moses is cited in these verses. See his: Education; Revelation and Re-Education.
July 7, 2024 – this evening we have a missionary from a restricted nation, therefore we are unable to publish his presentation. If you would like a copy, please contact the video ministry for a DVD. We are posting another sermon for you to watch. June 2, 2024 TEXT: Acts 1:4-8 I. Our Mission…
June 2, 2024 TEXT: Acts 1:4-8 Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our Valley and throughout the World. (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:47-49; John 20:21; Acts 1:8) S_____________ (I Peter 2:2; I Peter 3:18; Hebrews 10:20-25) S_____________ (Psalm 100; Mark 10:42-45; Ephesians 4:1-16) S_____________ (Ephesians 1:22-23; Ephesians 3:21; I Corinthians 10:31; Colossians…
February 4, 2024 TEXT: Acts 1&2 BAPTIST Distinctives: Bible is the Sole Authority for Faith and Practice Autonomy of Individual Biblical Churches Priesthood of the True Believer in Jesus Christ Two Ordinances of Biblical Churches; Baptism and the Lord’s Table Individual Soul Liberty of the Born-again Believer in Jesus Christ Separation of Biblical Churches from…
November 5, 2023 TEXT: Acts 2:1-13 Introduction: Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38 This is the fulfillment of prophecy and promise from God God the Father v. 16. Peter connected this to Joel 2:28-29 God the Son Acts 1:4-5 I. Holy Spirit came to indwell God’s children vv. 1-4 A. They were all together in obedient unity…
TEXT: Acts 8:26-40 A Biblical Study of Believer’s Baptism I. The Biblical timing of Believer’s Baptism vss. 26-35 A. After the lost person is targeted by the Holy Spirit vss. 26-28 B. After the lost person is confronted with the truth of the Gospel vss. 29-31 C. After the lost person hears the message of…
TEXT: Acts 18. Priscilla & Aquila I. Paul connected with Aquila & Priscilla on many levels (vv. 1-4) A. God’s people should always be looking for places to share the Gospel (v. 1) 1. Paul had been sharing the Gospel in Athens (17:16-34) 2. Paul had been sharing the Gospel in Berea (17:10-15) 3. Paul…
TEXT: ACTS 16:6-24 and ACTS 12:1-15 Join us as Israel Warren, missionary to St. Mary’s, Alaska, explains how to pray for the preachers and missionaries using examples from the life experiences of Paul the Apostle and his fellow Christians.
TEXT: ACTS 17:22-34 I. We need to fulfil God’s purpose for our lives vss. 22-26 God’s people are to be faithful witnesses wherever they go vs. 22, 16-21 Mankind is created to be worshippers and they will worship vss. 23-25 We devote ourselves to all kinds of things vs. 23a We know there is a…
This morning we were privileged to have the West Coast Baptist College Revival Trio minister to us. Instructor Tyler Johnson preached from Acts 3. TEXT: ACTS 3:1-9 Peter & John enjoyed a faithful relationship with God Peter depends on God for what’s about to happen Peter moves from a spirit of dependance to a point…