February 4, 2024
TEXT: Acts 1&2
- BAPTIST Distinctives:
- Bible is the Sole Authority for Faith and Practice
- Autonomy of Individual Biblical Churches
- Priesthood of the True Believer in Jesus Christ
- Two Ordinances of Biblical Churches; Baptism and the Lord’s Table
- Individual Soul Liberty of the Born-again Believer in Jesus Christ
- Separation of Biblical Churches from the world, form the government, from unbiblical churches
- Two Offices of Biblical Churches; Pastors and Deacons
I. Jesus began His church with His original followers (Acts 1:1-5)
- The original men Jesus chose who became Apostles of His church at Jerusalem.
- The hundred and twenty souls who were faithful to Jesus and obeyed Jesus to wait.
- The three thousand souls who trusted in Christ and were biblically baptized.
II. Jesus gave His church His Commission for them to fulfill (Acts 1:6-11)
- To be filled with His Spirit.
- To be witnesses of Jesus unto others where they are.
- To be spreading the Gospel unto other places all over the world.
III. Jesus gave His church what they needed after He was gone (Acts 2:1-8, 28-47)
- Those who were obedient were filled with His Spirit.
- Those who were faithful were empowered by His Spirit.
- Those who were present were used by His Spirit.
IV. Jesus adds to His church as they obeyed His mission for them (Acts 2:36-47)
- As we proclaim the truth of Jesus unto others (vv. 36-37)
- As we call the lost to repentance of sin and faith in Christ (vv. 38-40)
- As we encourage people to follow the Lord in Biblical Baptism (v. 41)
- As we faithfully gather together as a church family in unity of truth (vv. 42-47)
V. Jesus multiplies His church to bring forth other autonomous churches (Acts 6:1-7; 8:1-8; 9:26-31; 11:1-4; 19-30; 13:1-4)
- The Lord’s churches need to solve their problems with His leading (Acts 6:1-7)
- The Lord’s churches need to obey their Head even facing opposition (Acts 8:1-8)
- The Lord’s churches wait on their Head to work things out His way (Acts 9:26-31)
- The Lord’s churches need to follow the direction of the Lord (Acts 11:1-4)
- The Lord’s churches need to reproduce other churches (Acts 11:19-30)
- The Lord’s churches need to govern themselves under their Head (Acts 13:1-4; 9:31; 15:41; 16:5; 19:37; Romans 16:4, 16; I Corinthians 7:17; 11:16; 14:33-34; 16:1, 19; II Corinthians 8:1, 18, 19, 23, 24; 11:8, 28; 12:13; Galatians 1:2, 22; I Thessalonians 2:14; II Thessalonians 1:4; Revelation 1:4, 11, 20, 2:7, 11, 17, 23, 29; 3:6, 13, 22; 22:16)