February 4, 2024

TEXT:  Acts 1&2

  • BAPTIST Distinctives:
  • Bible is the Sole Authority for Faith and Practice
  • Autonomy of Individual Biblical Churches
  • Priesthood of the True Believer in Jesus Christ
  • Two Ordinances of Biblical Churches; Baptism and the Lord’s Table
  • Individual Soul Liberty of the Born-again Believer in Jesus Christ
  • Separation of Biblical Churches from the world, form the government, from unbiblical churches
  • Two Offices of Biblical Churches; Pastors and Deacons

I. Jesus began His church with His original followers (Acts 1:1-5)

  1. The original men Jesus chose who became Apostles of His church at Jerusalem.
  2. The hundred and twenty souls who were faithful to Jesus and obeyed Jesus to wait.
  3. The three thousand souls who trusted in Christ and were biblically baptized.

II. Jesus gave His church His Commission for them to fulfill (Acts 1:6-11)

  1. To be filled with His Spirit.
  2. To be witnesses of Jesus unto others where they are.
  3. To be spreading the Gospel unto other places all over the world.

III. Jesus gave His church what they needed after He was gone (Acts 2:1-8, 28-47)

  1. Those who were obedient were filled with His Spirit.
  2. Those who were faithful were empowered by His Spirit.
  3. Those who were present were used by His Spirit.

IV. Jesus adds to His church as they obeyed His mission for them (Acts 2:36-47)

  1. As we proclaim the truth of Jesus unto others (vv. 36-37)
  2. As we call the lost to repentance of sin and faith in Christ (vv. 38-40)
  3. As we encourage people to follow the Lord in Biblical Baptism (v. 41)
  4. As we faithfully gather together as a church family in unity of truth (vv. 42-47)

V. Jesus multiplies His church to bring forth other autonomous churches (Acts 6:1-7; 8:1-8; 9:26-31; 11:1-4; 19-30; 13:1-4)

  1. The Lord’s churches need to solve their problems with His leading (Acts 6:1-7)
  2. The Lord’s churches need to obey their Head even facing opposition (Acts 8:1-8)
  3. The Lord’s churches wait on their Head to work things out His way (Acts 9:26-31)
  4. The Lord’s churches need to follow the direction of the Lord (Acts 11:1-4)
  5. The Lord’s churches need to reproduce other churches (Acts 11:19-30)
  6. The Lord’s churches need to govern themselves under their Head (Acts 13:1-4; 9:31; 15:41; 16:5; 19:37; Romans 16:4, 16; I Corinthians 7:17; 11:16; 14:33-34; 16:1, 19; II Corinthians 8:1, 18, 19, 23, 24; 11:8, 28; 12:13; Galatians 1:2, 22; I Thessalonians 2:14; II Thessalonians 1:4; Revelation 1:4, 11, 20, 2:7, 11, 17, 23, 29; 3:6, 13, 22; 22:16)