TEXT:  ACTS 17:22-34

I. We need to fulfil God’s purpose for our lives vss. 22-26

  1. God’s people are to be faithful witnesses wherever they go vs. 22, 16-21
  1. Mankind is created to be worshippers and they will worship vss. 23-25
  1. We devote ourselves to all kinds of things vs. 23a
  1. We know there is a something greater than ourselves vs. 23b
  1. We are created by God to worship God vs. 25
  1. We often want God to be what we want Him to be for us vs. 25
  1. All people everywhere need to hear about Jesus vs. 26

II. We all need a right relationship with our Creator vss. 27-29

  1. We need to seek Him for it vs. 27a
  1. He is accessible to us for it vs. 27b
  1. He created us to have a need for it vss. 28-29

III. We all will give account of our lives to our Creator vss. 30-34

  1. God is patient, but He calls us to repentance for forgiveness vs. 30
  1. God’s judgement is sure and it is righteous through Christ vs. 31
  1. God’s truth has always had mixed responses vss. 32-34