TEXT: ACTS 17:22-34
I. We need to fulfil God’s purpose for our lives vss. 22-26
- God’s people are to be faithful witnesses wherever they go vs. 22, 16-21
- Mankind is created to be worshippers and they will worship vss. 23-25
- We devote ourselves to all kinds of things vs. 23a
- We know there is a something greater than ourselves vs. 23b
- We are created by God to worship God vs. 25
- We often want God to be what we want Him to be for us vs. 25
- All people everywhere need to hear about Jesus vs. 26
II. We all need a right relationship with our Creator vss. 27-29
- We need to seek Him for it vs. 27a
- He is accessible to us for it vs. 27b
- He created us to have a need for it vss. 28-29
III. We all will give account of our lives to our Creator vss. 30-34
- God is patient, but He calls us to repentance for forgiveness vs. 30
- God’s judgement is sure and it is righteous through Christ vs. 31
- God’s truth has always had mixed responses vss. 32-34