Feb. 12, 2024 TEXT: Romans 6:8-19 Introduction: From Lesson #19 on Jan. 8 Romans 8:1-11 III. It helps us to live in the Spirit to life in God’s righteousness (vv. 9-11) A. At salvation our spirit is made alive by the Holy Spirit indwelling us (v. 9) 1. Being in relationship with the Spirit of…
Jan. 8, 2024 TEXT: Romans 8:1-11 I. It helps those in Christ to be sensitive to His Spirit (vv. 1-3) A. To not be controlled by our flesh (v. 1) B. To live under the authority of the Spirit (v. 2) C. To live in the victory that Jesus won for us (v. 3) II.…
TEXT: ROMANS 12:1-3 1. A Living Sacrifice: A. Sacrifice is costly B. Sacrifice is sometimes painful C. Sacrifice should be with joy 2. Holy A. Sanctified (set apart) ● 1 Peter 1:16 ● John 3:17 ● 1 John 5:12 ● John 3:18,19 ● Romans 5:12 B. Special (meaningful) C. Pure (undefiled) Without blemish or…
The problem we all have as humans Romans 3:9-12 We are all in the same spiritual condition apart from Christ 9 We are all unrighteous before God in our sin 10 We are all living our life apart from God in sin 11 We are all not good enough to get…
Today’s guest speaker is Ricky Howard, Church Planter to St. George, UT. TEXT: ROMANS 10
TEXT: Romans 8:35-39
TEXT: ROMANS 13:8-14 Introduction: The greatest generation to ever live.” What made them so great? Why we are in a great place for revival according to an eyewitness of the Welsh revival? “And that” in verse 11 is referring back to the previous paragraph in verses 8-10 It is time now because of the lateness…
TEXT: Romans 13:8-14 Introduction: “Only one chance to start something new” Start the year off with right priorities Romans 13:8-10 Love God Matthew 22:34-40 Love God’s family John 13:34-35; Hebrews 13:1 Love the lost I Peter 1:22-23; Jude 20-23 Start the year off with right purposes Romans 13:11-13 Walk…
Join Brother John Martin as he speaks from Romans 6:5-7
Text: Romans 3:23-24 Brother Eddie Samuel