June 5, 2024
TEXT: Isaiah 6:1-9
I. Biblical Worship exalts the Lord properly (vv. 1-4)
A. Exalted as the object of attention
B. Exalted as the Holy God of Heaven
C. Exalted as the Triune God of the angels
D. Exalted as the LORD of His creation
E. Exalted as the God of glory filling His creation
II. Biblical Worship examines our life thoroughly (v. 5)
A. It helps us see our need and His sufficiency “Woe is me! For I am undone:”
B. It helps us see our sinfulness in light of His holiness “because I am a man of …” I John 1:5-10
C. It helps us see the sin around us in repentance not pride
III. Biblical Worship exterminates our sin righteously (vv. 6-7)
A. By admitting our need of the Lord
B. By admitting our need to the Lord
C. By availing ourselves to Him meeting our need
D. By accepting His solution to meet our need His way
IV. Biblical Worship excites us to obedience willingly (vv. 8-9)
A. Sensitivity to the voice of the Lord (v. 8a)
B. Surrender to the will of the Lord (v. 8b)
C. Submission to the call of the Lord (v. 9)
1. Motivated to go in obedience to the Lord
2. Prompted to tell others the message of the Lord
3. Stimulated to submit to the plan of the Lord
>Regardless of the challenges
>Regardless of the results
-my obedience is not based on the hearer’s response
-my obedience is not dependent on what others do