Sept. 4, 2024
TEXT: Isaiah 58

I. The warning about sinning in not fasting obediently (v. 1)
A. Stand up against it
B. Speak out against it
C. Show people the sinfulness of it

II. The motions of obedience without the heart of obedience (vv. 2-4)
A. Seeking the Lord daily, but not finding Him personally (v. 2)
B. Delighting in approaching God, but not enjoying His presence (v. 2)
C. Afflicting the soul before the Lord, but not fasting Biblically (vv. 3-4)
1. Fasting for selfish reasons not God’s reasons
2. Fasting to get what we want from God not getting closer to God
3. Fasting to get our way on earth not His will being done in our lives

III. God calls us to more than mere religious activity (vv. 5-14)
A. God calls us to more than just form and function (vv. 5-7)
B. God calls us to Himself first and foremost (vv. 8-9)
A. God calls us to inner and eternal change of heart (vv. 10-14)
1. Getting our focus off of our needs and onto the needs of other (v. 10)
2. Getting our eyes off of ourselves and onto God (v. 11)
3. Getting our attention removed from the carnal and onto the spiritual (v. 12)
4. Getting our motivation from outward duty to inward desire (vv. 13-14)