Posts by Pastor Frank Humber

Exercise Requires Discipline

This is true for us all and in every aspect of life. If we want to grow and develop any part of our being to be stronger and more effective or efficient, it will always require discipline. The law of entropy is not only a scientific fact, it is also a practical reality in every…

New Beginnings

The middle of the summer is not logically the best time to start something new. Attendance is often down, people are traveling and, unfortunately, we have many things distracting us from the worship of the Lord. However, the Lord is to be our head and our authority and when He gives the direction it is…

Building God’s Way

There are many ways to build things. Most auto manufactures build their vehicles with some unique distinctions that identify their make, model, and even era of when they were produced. Even in architecture, there are certain famous designers who always use certain features that are their signature flare to identify their handiwork. Houses also often…

Hope For America

I have had people ask me the question regarding this title. Do I really believe there is hope for America? My answer to them is “yes!” Although the potential for it is waning, the possibility for it is still alive and well. I have had people criticize me for what they call wasting my time…

Generational Influences

There are many factors in rearing up a child into an adult. Each of those factors have an effect on the outcome of the life of that child going into adulthood. Genetics is a huge factor in the life of every person and so is environment. The family we grow up in definitely influences the…

The Father Ever

I was blessed with a good father. I am thankful for the dad God gave to me. He had his issues as we all do, but he was a good man, and he gave me a good start in life. There are many things I do today that are due to his influence and example…

Being a Biblical Church

I use that term often about our church and other churches, and it truly is critical and distinctive in our world today. It is the declaration of my desire for our church, and I hope the desire of each person who helps to make up this church family. However, for any church to be biblical,…


Memorials are instituted and intended to remind us of significant events and people. Memorial Day was instituted by our nation to remember the service and sacrifice of those in our nation’s military service who have served. Sacrificed, and even died for our nation protection from enemies. It originated after the Civil War and was recognized…

Family is God’s Design

The best way to know the best way to operate anything or fix it when it is broken is to check with the designer of the item. The designer of an item often writes up an explanation of how to use the item as intended, maintain it to function best, or even trouble shoot problems…

Hope for the Home

What the world needs now is character! As we see the collapse of our society unfolding before our eyes, we can see the foundations crumbling that once made us great. When our nation had more God honoring people than God denying people, things were clearly better. When our nation had more morality and personal character,…