November Begins

Good morning Summerville Baptist Church, As the month of November begins and we look forward to the season of holidays and family gatherings, let us take a few moments to ponder on being a thankful church for church and family. In a few weeks, we will all gather around our tables and feast on turkey,…

Anyone Anywhere Anytime

Anyone is a good person for any Christian to share the Gospel with at any time. No matter who it is being shared with, the Gospel can have an impact for the glory of God. If they are already saved, they should be blessed by the truth of what saved their soul and that you…

All People in All Places

God is very clear in His Word regarding His desire for lost people to hear the Gospel so they can believe unto Salvation as well as His will about saved people communicating His Gospel message to the lost so they can hear it personally. If all of the saved people in all places would do…

Every Person in Every Place

I Kings 8:60 “That all the people of the earth may know that the LORD is God, and that there is none else.” God is very clear in both the Old Testament and the New Testament that He wants every person in every place to know Him for who He is, the one and only LORD God Almighty.  The…

Everyone Everywhere

You have heard me say before, “all means all and that’s all that all means y’all” and that is what the Bible clearly supports in many places in regards to the matter of who can be saved. We let the Bible speak for itself around here; we do not trust what men say about the…

Where God Is Working

Being in a place where God is working is the best place to be. Being in the place where God is working in your own life is the best place to be. Being in a place where you are challenged spiritually to not be comfortable but to experience greater things with God is the best…


This is what the world needs now more than ever. Hope is at an all-time low in the lives of far too many, especially in our youth. I am very sad to see so much hopelessness in the eyes of so many people in our current society. The greatest hope anyone can have is eternal…

Thank You for Your Service

Patriot Day was declared as a day to remember the attack on our nation by our enemies who hate our freedoms and democratic republic form of government. It was established to recognize those who were taken from us by evil people and those who heroically laid down their lives in service to their fellow citizens.…

Thankful Grandparent

I am so thankful for the family relationships that God has blessed me with in my life over the years. I also thankful for the various roles of relationship I have enjoyed with so many different family members and friends and associates along my life journey. I appreciate the life I had growing up in…

Godly Labor Day

Labor Day is a celebration of labor by taking a break from it. It is the celebration of the freedom in our nation to improve your situation in life through industrious effort and hard work. In previous generations, that is what passionately drew people to immigrate legally to this great nation but, unfortunately, many coming…