Love One Another

Twenty times in nineteen verses in nine books of the New Testament in the King James Bible, these words are used together. God has repeated this statement so many times for us humans to get the understanding of how seriously He wants us to take this command in His Word. Everywhere we go, every single…

Continue Doing God’s Work

In our staff meeting this past week, we looked at this truth just as we did last Sunday evening in our evening worship service. It is my prayer, and I hope the prayer of us all, that we will continue in the work of the Lord here on this earth in the ministry He has…

Continue in God’s Will

In the beginning, God created mankind in His image. God sent His only begotten Son into the world to make redemption possible for mankind in paying the debt of their sins against God for them. Every life has value because it is created by God and for God’s glory. Sin brings destruction into our lives…

Continue in God’s Word

As individual followers of Jesus Christ who are gathering together in this assembly, it is my prayer that we will all continue in God’s Word this year. That is part of what God is inspiring Paul to record here for the benefit of young Timothy. It is clear when Paul reminds Timothy that he knows…


II Timothy 3:14 “But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;” Welcome to the first Lord’s Day worship of Summerville Baptist Church for this new year of 2025. This year our ministry theme is “CONTINUE” and that is our goal; to continue…

God Will Continue Building

God is continuing to do His work even though Satan and his followers are opposing His work on behalf of mankind. God is working through those who are trusting in Him and following Him faithfully. Sadly, it seems at times that Satan has more of his followers faithfully doing his service than God’s followers are…

Presence Over Presents

Too often people spend more money than they have to give gifts at this season of the year and, unfortunately, too often they are trying to make up for feeling guilty over things from the rest of the year. We can often give gifts to make up for not giving ourselves to others. The giving…

God With Us

That has a great sound to it, doesn’t it? “God with us” is a wonderful reality to enjoy. This is what God created His creation for, to be with Him. His purpose was for Him to be able to enjoy being together with His creation. God created mankind to enjoy being in His creation with…

“Preparing for Christ Coming”

God prophesied and created John to fulfill a unique purpose in the history of mankind and in the divine plan of God’s redemptive work of man on earth. The Old Testament prophets recorded the Word of God and the angel Gabriel declared the message of God regarding what He would do not only through Zacharias…