TEXT: John 10:39-42 I. I AM is the Almighty God superior to mankind (v. 39) A. They sought to take Him many times (John 10:30-38; 8:56-59; 5:14-17; Luke 4:16-30) B. They were unable to take Him until His time (John 7:1-9; Matthew 26:18) C. They had no power over the Almighty God (John 10:14-18) II.…
TEXT: John 10:22-39 Introduction: John 10:22-23 I. We choose to believe what we believe (vv. 22-26) A. God’s Word makes things as clear as we allow it to be (vv. 22-24) B. We confuse things by what we allow to influence our mind (v. 25) C. We make it hard to hear truth when we…
TEXT: John 10:1-10 I. The door is the only proper entry into any place vv. 1-5 A. Thieves and robbers enter through improper means v. 1 B. Rightful owners do not use deceitful means vv. 2-3 C. True sheep hear the voice of their true shepherd vv. 4-5 II. I AM is the Door to…
TEXT: JOHN 9:13-41 I. Every day is a Holy day for God to work (vv. 13-17) A. Jesus can work in the life of anyone any day (vv. 13-15) B. Jesus and His truth can be divisive in many places (v. 16; I Corinthians 14:33; James 3:13-18; Proverbs 13:10) C. Jesus is real to those…
TEXT: John 9:1-12 I. Don’t confuse biblical truth with Satan’s deceptions (vv. 1-5) A. Bad things are not always the result of wrong deeds (vv. 1-3) B. Our time to do God’s work is limited (v. 4; Ecclesiastes 9:10; Isaiah 58:12; I Corinthians 15:32-34 ) C. I AM is the Light of the world (v.…
TEXT: JOHN 8:39-59
TEXT: JOHN 8:31-38 True faith in the true Saviour produces true disciples John 8:31-32 Truly believing on Jesus is essential truly knowing the truth is only by God’s Word Truly knowing God’s truth makes us truly free Only Jesus can make sinners free from sin’s bondage. John 8:33-36 All humans are in the bondage…
TEXT: JOHN 11:17-44 Introduction: v. 17 “Then when Jesus came…” John 11:1-16 I. Jesus offers hope to our hopeless situations (vv. 17-24) God’s timing is always perfect (vv. 17-19) God’s presence offers perfect peace (vv. 20-22) God’s solution is more than sufficient (vv. 23-24) II. Jesus is the greatest solution to our needs (vv. 25-28)…
TEXT: John 11:25-26 I. This woman was caught in the darkness of sin John 11:25,26 Jesus enjoyed prayer on the mount of Olives often (v. 1; John 18:1-2; Luke 21:37) Jesus was faithful to communicate God’s Words to others (v. 2) Jesus was never a victim, but was always ministering to others (vv. 3-6) II.…
TEXT: JOHN 8:12-30 Jesus spoke truth about Himself and His mission. John 8:12 He is God’s light in this sinful world He is God’s light to help us see our own sinfulness He is God’s light to deliver people from the darkness of this world He is God’s light to give His light of…