TEXT: 1 JOHN 1, 2 I. God is completely holy and without any sin at all (1:1-5) God is eternally sinless—”from the beginning” Gen. 1:1 (v. 1) God sent His sinless Son into the world—”the Word of life” John 1:1 (v. 1) God wants sinful people to have a relationship with Him in His holiness…
Continuing the study of Salvation in Hebrews 8 IV. Sin must be _________________ by God Hebrews 10:27-31 A. God is holy and righteous in His _______________ of ______ vs. 27 B. God is __________ in judging those who break His ________ vs. 28 C. God is _____________ in judging those who reject His ___________ vs.…
TEXT: HEBREWS 8, 9, 10 I. God wants a relationship with you Hebrews 8:6-13 A. The Lord Jesus makes this covenant possible v. 6, 1-2 B. The new covenant will replace the old covenant for everyone vv. 7-9 C. The new covenant focuses on the condition of the heart vv. 10-12 D. The second had…
The problem we all have as humans Romans 3:9-12 We are all in the same spiritual condition apart from Christ 9 We are all unrighteous before God in our sin 10 We are all living our life apart from God in sin 11 We are all not good enough to get…
TEXT: JOHN 14 CONTINUING FROM LAST WEEK’S WEDNESDAY SERMON, we begin with point # 5 5. We must receive Jesus in order to be received into Heaven John 14:1-6 Jesus wants us to experience peace now & forever by faith By faith in God to not have a troubled heart By faith in God…
TEXT: John 3 We are all condemned as sinners without faith in Christ John 3:18-19 God’s gift of faith in Christ is for anyone John 3:15-17 Faith in God’s Son is essential to receiving everlasting life John 3:36 God’s Salvation is for us to receive, not to achieve John 1:11-14