This evening, December 20, 2023, there will be a soup supper and carol singing around the city of Summerville. We offer this excellent selection from a prior posting: TEXT: 1 JOHN
December 3, 2023 TEXT: I John Introduction: I John 5:18-20 We know (v. 18) We know (v. 19) We know (v. 20) I. The deity of Christ is evident in Jesus being God the Son (I John 1:1-3) A. He is the true God (I John 5:20) B. He was prophesied to be God (Isaiah…
TEXT: 1 JOHN 5:6-12 Introduction: Jesus came in human form, meaning He existed before in eternity = Theology. 1 Timothy 3:15-16 This is the record of God that He has given for Himself = Bibliology. This is Fundamental to the Doctrine of Salvation = Soteriology. The One True God is a Triune Godhead. acts 17:29;…
TEXT: I John 4:7-21 I. Knowing God is all about experiencing and expressing His love (vv. 7-8) God wants His children to love others with His love (v. 7a) God wants His children to know Him so they can love others (v. 7b) God is love and He wants mankind to benefit from His love…
TEXT: 1 JOHN PART 2 IV. God provided for our sin because of His love for us 3:15-16 A. The effect of sin begins in our heart B. God loves us even in our sinfulness and wants us to be forgiven 1. His love is seen in His action toward us 2. His love is…
TEXT: 1 JOHN 1, 2 I. God is completely holy and without any sin at all (1:1-5) God is eternally sinless—”from the beginning” Gen. 1:1 (v. 1) God sent His sinless Son into the world—”the Word of life” John 1:1 (v. 1) God wants sinful people to have a relationship with Him in His holiness…
TEXT: 1 JOHN 2:15-17 I. Too many Christians love this world the wrong way I John 2:15-17; Psalm 16:5-11 They follow the philosophy of the world more than the truth of God They desire the things of this world more than the treasures of God They focus on carnal, sensual pleasures more than spiritual,…