IV. God provided for our sin because of His love for us 3:15-16
A. The effect of sin begins in our heart

B. God loves us even in our sinfulness and wants us to be forgiven
1. His love is seen in His action toward us
2. His love is manifested to us in sending His Son to die for us I John 4:9
3. His love was commended to us in sending His Son to die for us Romans 5:8
C. God willingly made forgiveness of sin possible for us
D. We must willingly receive His forgiveness of our sin and forgive others

V. God provided His love to us through His Son dying for us 4:9-10
A. God’s love for us is displayed to us in sending His Son to us vs. 9a
B. God’s love for us is displayed to us in offering us life with Him vs. 9b
C. God’s love for us is displayed to us in loving us first in our sin vs. 10a
D. God’s love for us is displayed to us in sending His Son to pay for our sins vs. 10b

VI. We know we have received Him in us when we act like Him 4:13-16
A. We know we are in Him when we see that His Spirit is in us vs. 13
Ephesians 1:12-14, 3:16-19, 4:30
B. We know He is in us when we testify of His truth to us vs. 14
C. We know He is in us when we agree with what He says in His Word vs. 15
D. We know we have His love in us when we show His love to others vs. 16

VII. God provides His eternal life to us through His Son 5:6-13
A. Jesus is God in the flesh to die for our sins for forgiveness vss. 6-8
B. God gave us the truth of His Son and life in His Son in His Word vs. 9
C. God declares that we benefit from His Son’s sacrifice by faith in Him vs. 10
D. God requires us to receive His Son as our Saviour to have His eternal life vss. 11-12
E. God gave us His Word to help us be confident in our relationship with Him vs. 13

VIII. We can know God through God the Son to have His eternal life 5:20

A. The Son of God has come
B. God has given us understanding through His truth
C. God wants us to know the truth of His Son as our Saviour
D. God wants us to be in His family by being in His Son as our Saviour
E. God wants us to know His Son who is God to have His eternal life