TEXT:  1 JOHN 1, 2

I. God is completely holy and without any sin at all (1:1-5)

  1. God is eternally sinless—”from the beginning” Gen. 1:1 (v. 1)
  2. God sent His sinless Son into the world—”the Word of life” John 1:1 (v. 1)
  3. God wants sinful people to have a relationship with Him in His holiness (vv. 2-3)
  4. God wants us to experience the joy of living with Him in life and eternity (v. 4)
  5. God has given us His Word for us to know this in our lives personally (v. 5)
  6. God is holy and has no sin so we cannot have fellowship with Him in sin (v. 5)

II. We are completely affected by sinfulness, separated from God (1:8-10)

  1. God says we have sinned against Him (v. 8; Romans 3:23; 3:10; 5:12)
  2. We must agree with God about our sin to be right with God (v. 9; Romans 10:9-10)
  3. We must submit to God’s truth about our sinful condition in His Word (v. 10)

III. We must receive God’s provision for our sins in His Son (2:1-2)

  1. Because this is what God has declared in His Word
  2. Because of our sin we need an advocate with God
  3. Because of our unrighteous condition we need a righteous Saviour
  4. Because of our guilt of sin, we need a proper payment for our sin
  5. Because everyone is lost in sin, we all need God’s provision for sin