Continuing the study of Salvation in Hebrews 8

IV. Sin must be _________________ by God Hebrews 10:27-31
A. God is holy and righteous in His _______________ of ______ vs. 27
B. God is __________ in judging those who break His ________ vs. 28
C. God is _____________ in judging those who reject His ___________ vs. 29
D. God is __________ in judging His ________ for disobedience to Him vs. 30
E. God is to be ______ in being right with Him to avoid His __________ vs. 31
V. Jesus paid the _____________ of our sins Hebrews 10:10-12

A. Jesus died for our sins _________________
B. Jesus died to ______________ the curse of our sins
C. Jesus died to pay the debt of our sins ________________
D. Jesus died and rose again to give us ______________ life 7:25
VI. Our right standing with God is ___________ in Christ Hebrews 10:14-18
A. When we are _____________ of our sins it is ______________ vs. 14
B. The Holy Spirit lives in us to ________ our ____________ with God vss. 15-16
1. When we are saved the Holy Spirit comes to live in us until we go to Heaven
Ephesians 1:12-14
2. The Holy Spirit speaks to us as a child of God
Romans 8:14-17
3. The Holy Spirit indwells the believer to help them live for God
John 15:26, 16:7-13

C. God’s forgiveness of our _______ is ____________ in Christ vs. 17
D. God’s salvation is only ___________ way and it is done _________ vs. 18
VII. Our relationship with God is only by ______ in His promise Hebrews 11:1
A. His promise given in His W________
B. His promise given in His S_________
C. His promise given in His H_________
VIII. We only come to God for ______________ by faith Hebrews 11:6
A. We cannot be right with Him if we do not believe _________
B. We cannot be right with Him if we do not believe _______ Him
C. We cannot be right with Him if we do not believe in His ___________
D. We cannot be right with Him if we do not believe He will __________ us