God commanded us to do so in families Be fruitful bringing them into your family Genesis 1:26-31; 2:20-25; 3:16 Be diligent in training them in your family Deuteronomy 6:7; 5:9, 20; Proverbs 22:1-6 Be faithful in sending them out prepared Psalm 127 Faithful to work with the Lord in caring for them…
TEXT: II TIMOTHY 3:10-17 Follow God ordained authorities & mentors in your life II TIMOTHY 3:10-13 The godly adults in the home God placed you Ephesians 6:1-4; Colossians 3:20; II Timothy 1:5; Proverbs 22:6; Ecclesiastes 12:1; Luke 2:40, 51-52 The godly shepherds, teachers & mentors in God’s church Expect persecutions & wickedness to…
TEXT: II TIMOTHY 3:1-12 Perilous times is where we have come II Timothy 3:1-5 Self-absorbed & prideful narcissist Blasphemous & rebellious scorners Unnatural, out of control, deceivers who hate good Over reactive, self-centered, humanistic idolaters Filled with religion but more lost than ever Avoid the influence of these people Reprobate minds will be the…
TEXT: II PETER 3:14-18 Introduction: The basis of these truths The audience of this message The purpose of this message Be diligent II PETER 3:14 To be found of the Lord in peace To be found of the Lord in forgiveness Job 11:15; Ephesians 5:27; I Timothy 6:14; Hebrews 9:14; I Peter…
TEXT: II PETER 3:1-13 God’s Word is vital to being ready II Peter 3:1-2 God’s Word enables us to be pure before our Holy God Ephesians 4:26-27; Hebrews 10:22; John 17:17 Being reminded of God’s Word regularly is essential Being in God’s Word regularly is essential to being ready for the Lord’s return…
TEXT: PSALM 33:11-22 God blesses the nation that blesses Him Psalm 33:12 The nation that worships Him as their God The nation that honors Him as the God He is The nation whose people have entered into His inheritance God sees all we are and to bless us or not Psalm 33:13-17; 8-10…
TEXT: GENESIS 1:26-31 Introduction: The idea of God as Creator & man being Created in His image is not unique to Genesis 1-2; Genesis 5:1-3; 9:5-6 See also Job 35:10; Psalm 100:3; 139:14; 149:2; Isaiah 43:3-19; John 1:1-3; Acts 17:23-31; I Corinthians 11; Colossians 1:15-17; James 3:9 God has declared Himself as Creator…
TEXT: GENESIS 2:15-25 God provided everything for man in His creation Genesis 2:15-20 God gave man purpose in His creation Worship fulfills God’s purpose for us on earth Work fulfills God’s purpose for us on earth Willingness fulfills God’s purpose for us on earth God gave man sustenance in His creation God gave…
TEXT: GENESIS 1:26-31 God is not confused about who He is Genesis 1:26-27 God presents Himself as He is God declares Himself to be the “I AM” Genesis 15:1; Exodus 3:14; John 10:7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 36; 18:4-8 God defines Himself as the LORD Genesis 15:7; 28:13; Exodus 6:2; Psalm 81:10; …
TEXT: Genesis 1 Introduction: Social Engineer God is the originator & designer of all creation Genesis 1:1-5 He created all things on His own He created all things as good He created all things to sustain life He created all things in six literal days God created mankind in His own image …