- God commanded us to do so in families
- Be fruitful bringing them into your family Genesis 1:26-31; 2:20-25; 3:16
- Be diligent in training them in your family Deuteronomy 6:7; 5:9, 20; Proverbs 22:1-6
- Be faithful in sending them out prepared Psalm 127
- Faithful to work with the Lord in caring for them
- Faithful to the Lord as the gift they are from Him
- Faithful to the Lord to prepare them to live for Him
- Prepare yourself to prepare them by being a mighty child of God
- Joyfully receive them & rear them up in the Lord
- Successfully launch them out into adult life ready for success
- God’s plan on earth is advanced through them Psalm 127; Ephesians 6:4
- Bring them into the world
- Bring them up in truth
- Bring them up to be prepared to face the world
- Launch them as arrows to hit the target of making things better
- Rejoice in the potential they have to make a difference in the world
- equip them for success as adults for God’s glory in this world
- Jesus demanded it of His church He was building Mark 10:13-16
- Jesus as the shepherd of the disciples rebuked them for not welcoming the children
- Jesus as Saviour was welcoming to children as examples of genuine faith Mark 10:15; Luke 18:17
- Jesus as loving Lord blessed the children as an example to His churches today
- The parents that brought them
- The disciples that followed Him
- The churches today that will be faithful to His will