- Follow God ordained authorities & mentors in your life II TIMOTHY 3:10-13
- The godly adults in the home God placed you Ephesians 6:1-4; Colossians 3:20; II Timothy 1:5; Proverbs 22:6; Ecclesiastes 12:1; Luke 2:40, 51-52
- The godly shepherds, teachers & mentors in God’s church
- Expect persecutions & wickedness to get worse
- Let God’s Word prepare you for the days ahead now II TIMOTHY 3:14-17
- Continue in what you know to be true from God
- Continue in your benefit from God’s Word to you
- Continue in spiritual growth for maturity & service to God
- Do God’s will for your life in good works for His glory II TIMOTHY 3:17
- Grow the ways God has said He wants for His children I Peter 2:1-5; II Peter 3:17-18
- Let yourself be equipped by God’s Word & church Ephesians 4:11-16
- Do what you were created to do for His glory Ephesians 2:1-10
- Physically created with gifts & abilities for making a difference in living life
- Spiritually created in Christ by Salvation unto good works in serving the Lord
- Action Points:
- Are you obeying god’s Word & will regarding your benefit of God ordained authorities in your life?
- What can you do this week to better prepare yourself to be ready for worse days ahead?
- Whaat can you do this week to be the influence God wants His children to be in this wicked world?