TEXT: Genesis 1
Introduction: Social Engineer
- God is the originator & designer of all creation Genesis 1:1-5
- He created all things on His own
- He created all things as good
- He created all things to sustain life
- He created all things in six literal days
- God created mankind in His own image Genesis 1:26-31
- As a triune being Genesis 1:1-2; John 1:1-4; Genesis 2:7,17
- As a relational being Genesis 3:8-9
- As a creative being
- God designed the family as He intended it to be Genesis 1:27-31
- God created mankind as male & female
- God created marriage to be with a husband & a wife
- God created marriage to be the beginning of the family Proverbs 22:6; Deuteronomy 6:4-7
- Action Points:
- How have you allowed satan & the world to influence your view of creation?
- How have you allowed satan & the world to influence your view of yourself?
- How have you allowed satan & the world to influence your view of marriage?