Pastor Humber continues his sermon begun in the morning service of 12/29/19 Text: I Corinthians 15:50-58 We cannot enjoy eternal life fully as we are – I Cor. 15:51,52 We have eternal life now as a child of God – John 3:35; Romans 5:8-11; I John 5:10-12 We cannot enter eternity in our temporal condition …
Text: I Thessalonians 4 and 5 God wants His children to understand His plans God does not want His children to be ignorant I Thess 4 God wants His children to know His plan for the future I Thess. 5; Matthew 3:6-8; Luke 3:7; Romans 4:6-11 God does not want His children distracted by lesser…
Text: Matthew 2:12-23 God knows __________ things Matt 2:12-15 The God of the Bible is ____________ God knew the actions of Herod ____________ Hosea 11:1 God knew _____ to have Joseph return to Israel God does not _____________ everything He knows will happen Matt 2:16-18; Jeremiah 31:15 God ___________ how Herod would react in anger…
Text: Matthew 2:1-12 Wisemen came to worship Jesus Matt 2: 1-2 They felt He was worthy of their worship = literally “bow down” They felt He was worthy of their investment – in time, costs Psalm 72:10-11 They felt His star was worthy of their interest Numbers 24:17-19; Isiah 60:1-3 Some men choose to worship…
Text: Hebrews 1:1-4 Jesus is fully Deity He is the same deity as God the Father He has the same righteousness as God the Father He is the only man fully like God Jesus is fully humanity Genesis 22:15 God promised to bless all people through the Jewish family of Abraham Jesus came in human…
Text: Micah 5:1-4 Introduction: Bethlehem It was understood from Prophecy where Messiah would come from John 7:37-43 The Jewish people knew the ___________ about Christ coming The Jewish people were ____________ over who Jesus was The people have not _____________ over 2,000 years later The Prophecy is very clear about where ______________ would be born …
Text: John 1:1-18 The Pre-Incarnate Christ The Incarnation of Christ The Incarnate Christ He (Jesus) came to do His Incarnate Work