Text: Hebrews 1:1-4
- Jesus is fully Deity
- He is the same deity as God the Father
- He has the same righteousness as God the Father
- He is the only man fully like God
- Jesus is fully humanity Genesis 22:15
- God promised to bless all people through the Jewish family of Abraham
- Jesus came in human form to die for our sins as our Saviour
- Jesus came in human form to be our sacrifice for sin
- Jesus is the Only Saviour
- As God, He can forgive our sin
- As God, He can give us God’s righteousness 2 Corinthians 5:21
- As God, He can give us Eternal Life
- As man, He can be our kinsman-redeemer
- As man, He can die for our sin
- As man, He can take our place in death