PM: “I Still Believe the Prophetic Fulfillment of the Incarnation”

Text: Micah 5:1-4

  1. Introduction:
    • Bethlehem
  2. It was understood from Prophecy where Messiah would come from  John 7:37-43
    1. The Jewish people knew the ___________ about Christ coming
    2. The Jewish people were ____________ over who Jesus was
    3. The people have not _____________ over 2,000 years later
  3. The Prophecy is very clear about where ______________ would be born  Micah 5:1-4
    1. The City and the region of Messiah’s __________________ were clearly declared
    2. Jesus was declared to be the future _____________ of Israel
    3. Jesus was declared to be ________________ , therefore Deity, God
  4. The Prophecy was clearly __________________ in Jesus who is Christ.  Matthew 1:18-25; 2:1; Luke 2:1-7
    1. The Angel of the Lord ___________________ Jesus to God in flesh  Matthew 1:18-25
    2. This _____________ of Prophecy is declared to be Jesus  Matthew 2:1
    3. God used ____________ events to fulfill His Prophecy   Luke 2:1-7