
Teri and I and the family of Jewelldene Beickel wish to express our thanks to each of you who have been praying for us. Thank you to each person who helped to host and provide food for the meal following the memorial service. We had several family members comment on how this church body put together such an amazing and bountiful meal for the family and friends who came to the memorial service. I was blessed by all the helpers who set up and cleaned up and took care of details that needed to be handled. Teri and I are thankful to be part of a church family that is willing to work and take care of things that need to be taken care of in the ministry of the Lord’s church. We are also thankful for the impact that Jewelldene had on so many people. She was a great lady who will be greatly missed. We had a wonderful gathering of family and friends from the church, the community, and from around the nation who came here to celebrate the impact this gracious and godly woman had on their lives. God truly blessed all who knew Ma Beickel through her life touching theirs. We are also thankful for the love of God and the redemption paid for by our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Jewelldene Beickel was led to the Lord by her Uncle Marvin Jewell. My wife was led to the Lord by her mother. I was led to the Lord by my pastor’s wife after a sermon preached by my pastor at camp. All who have been saved by the Gospel message of Jesus Christ are able to lead others to the same Salvation through the same message because of what God has provided for us all through His Son becoming our Saviour by faith in His sacrifice. Salvation is provided to whoever will receive it simply by faith in what has already been done for us by God who is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This afternoon following the luncheon, I hope that you will choose to join us for our celebration of the Salvation that Jesus has provided through His sacrifice for our sins in obedience to the Father and has been made available to each person by the working of the Holy Spirit in hearts. We have much to give thanks for just in this one doctrine of Salvation alone, and it truly is worthy of our expression of praise in worship. I trust this week in your Thanksgiving Day celebration, at your home with your family and friends that you will take time to give thanks to the Lord for His bountiful blessings in your life. I hope you are able to join us Tuesday evening at 7PM when we will be having our Thanksgiving Praise service in which we will spend the worship service singing and offering praises to our God for His manifold blessings in our lives.