TEXT: HEBREWS 13:8-16 Introduction: >Verse 16 is where our point of emphasis is found today. >The word “communicate” is our primary topic of interest in the message this morning. >The idea is an activity that we need to make sure we do not forget to do. >This word translated “communicate” in this verse is the…
TEXT: PSALM 147 I. God is worthy of our praise vv. 1-6 It is a good thing v. 1a It is a pleasing thing from us to God v. 1b It is a beautiful thing from us to God v. 1c It is a rightful thing from us to God vv. 2-6 II. God is…
TEXT: Psalm 138 I. God’s promise is a gift that should cause us to praise Him vv. 1-2 worship The greatness of God over other objects of worship should cause us to praise Him James 1:17-18 The lovingkindness seen in His promises should cause us to praise Him The truthfulness of His promises in…
TEXT: GENESIS 3 I. God’s creation was perfect without sin Genesis 1:26-31; 2:22-25 A. God’s creation was very good with man in the beginning 1:26-31 B. God’s creation had no shame in it from sin 2:22-25 C. God’s creation had perfect communion in it before sin 3:8 II. God’s creation was altered forever by sin…
TEXT: GENESIS 2 I. God made Adam to be a keeper of His creation Genesis 2: 15-17 Dress – Keep – Keeper of the Garden of our life God has given to us Our time Our talents Our treasures Keeper of the Garden of our work God has given to us Our employment…