I. God’s creation was perfect without sin Genesis 1:26-31; 2:22-25
A. God’s creation was very good with man in the beginning 1:26-31
B. God’s creation had no shame in it from sin 2:22-25
C. God’s creation had perfect communion in it before sin 3:8
II. God’s creation was altered forever by sin Genesis 3:1-13
A. Satan altered it with deception through the serpent vv. 1-5
B. Satan altered it with disobedience through temptation v. 6
C. Satan altered it with death and decay through sin vv. 7-13
III. God’s righteousness requires judgement for sin Genesis 3:14-21
A. Judgment on the serpent, sin, and Satan vv. 14-15
B. Judgment on woman because of sin v. 16
C. Judgment on man because of sin vv. 17, 19
D. Judgment on creation because of sin v. 19
E. Judgment on sacrifice to cover sin’s effect v. 21
IV. God’s mercy protected mankind from eternal destruction Genesis 3:22-24
A. God showed mercy in protecting ourselves from ourselves v. 22
B. God showed mercy in removing them from the Garden of Eden v. 23
C. God showed mercy in keeping them from returning to the garden v. 24
V. God’s grace provides eternal redemption from our sins Genesis 3:21, 15
A. God’s provision of redemption is His plan not ours Ezekiel 18:4; 20; Romans 6:23
B. God’s provision of redemption is faith in His Word
C. God’s provision of redemption is receiving it personally