Text: Luke 19:11-27 Introduction: Steadfastness = Unmovable (ness) Unmovable (ness) = Abounding continually Abounding continually = fulfilling the Lord’s will for my life We have a job to do VS 11-13 “Occupy til I come” We are Christ’s servants He is Saviour, Sovereign and Supreme We are here to serve Him We are His subjects…
Text: Psalm 112 Our life is to be lived for God’s glory and praise v.1; Psalm 111 The motivation of bringing God glory in our lives V. 1b, c The benefits of bringing God glory in our lives V. 1a, 2-4 The legacy of bringing God glory in our lives V. 5-9 Everyone is not…
Text: James 1:1-12 Introduction: Ephesians 4:14 God’s work in us produces steadfastness God’s work to grow us in joy God’s work to test us in faith God’s work to mature us in patience God’s Word in us produces steadfastnes God’s Word offers us God’s wisdom on living life His way God’s Word offers us faith…
Text: Ephesians 4:1-16 The Admonition of Steadfastness Living the way God wants us to live Honoring God the way He is worthy Unified for God’s Glory through His Spirit The Equipping of Steadfastness Equipped through deliverance in Christ Equipped through teachers of His Word in His church Equipped through serving in His church until He…
Text: Psalm 78:1-12 Steadfastly listening to God Steadfastly honoring God’s Word Steadfastly committed to the next generation for God Action Points: Am I truly listening to God primarily for my views on life? I am going to honor God more this week regarding His Word by _________ . I am going to __________________ so I…
Text: Matthew 6:19-33 What you invest yourself in What you focus yourself on What you occupy yourself with What you dedicate yourself to Action Points: What is the reality of what you are passionate about? What needs to change in your investments to experience God’s Will more this year? What do I need to dedicate…
Text: I Corinthians 15:50-58 Our success in anything is determined by our understanding of it. Steadfast in being convinced about what matters most Unmovable in your convictions as you journey through life Persistence is a virtue but stubbornness is a negative quality Abounding in anything requires being constant and consistent Knowing something thoroughly makes us…
Text: I Corinthians 15:50-58 The Reason for this admonition The Recipients of this admonition The Reality of this admonition The Result of this admonition Action Points: Who am I in relationship to Jesus Christ? Why do I do the things I do? What do I have to look forward to because of who I am…