Church Planter to LIbby, Montana Daniel Grover preaches from Joshua 1:1-8 Introduction: Moses – a great man; friend of God; Spiritual Leader Joshua chosen to succeed Moses Be Strong: seize the promises of God’s Word; live a life of victory Be of Good Courage: establish, fortify & prevail Why be strong? To have Spiritual Victory…
TEXT: JOSHUA 10:8-14 Introduction: Joshua 10:1-7 There is no need to fear going when God says go When God says not to fear, you have nothing to fear Joshua 1:6-9; Matthew 28:18-20 Confidence & courage are the opposite of fear God said not to fear because He would be with His children God has…
TEXT: JOSHUA 2 and 6 Introduction: Joshua 2:1; Hebrews 11:30-31; Matthew 1:1,5,6 It began with God’s people truly trusting God Joshua 2:1-3 The people of God had been at this place before Numbers 13 The people of God limited the blessing of God by their lack of faith The people of God had…