July 28, 2024 TEXT: I Timothy 4:6-16 I. God’s view of being a good minister (vv. 6-8) A. Reminding God’s people of His truth (v. 6) B. Feeding God’s people from the nourishment you receive (vv. 6-7) C. Leading God’s people in spiritual disciplines (v. 8) 1. Exercise that builds godliness 2. Disciplines that enable…
July 7, 2024 TEXT: I Timothy 1:12-2:15 Introduction: God’s Tools for Building His Way Building your life; Building your spouse; Building your children; Building the lives of others; Building up His church by Him using you as His tool of honor; Building in your community, your state, your nation. I. His will (I Tim. 1:12-16)…
We apologize that there was a power failure and the service recording was interrupted. May 19, 2024 ~ Series #2 ~ Our Philosophy of Ministry TEXT: I Timothy 4 Introduction: God is the ultimate authority in regard to His work on earth. I Chronicles 9:22; I Chronicles 17:9; Isaiah 26:12; I Corinthians 7:17; Titus…
May 12, 2024 TEXT: 1 TIMOTHY 3:1-13 Introduction: Philippians 1:1 “The biblical church is to be pastor led, deacon served & member supported. All under the Lord as its head & controlled by the Holy Spirit” The Lord is the head of His church 1 Tim 3:5,13 He is the authority Eph 1:22-23…
TEXT: 1 TIMOTHY 6:6-15
Text: I Timothy 3:14-16 Respecting the written Word of God V. 14 The things written to us in it are from God – II Tim 3:14-17; Jeremiah 1:1-4; 7-9 God used Holy servants of His to record His Word – II Peter 1:16-21 Man should not alter God’s Word – Rev 22:16-19; Deut. 4:1-2; 12:32;…
Text: I Timothy 1:12-20 Being a child of God and impacting others to become children of God also. I. Remember to be thankful for being in Christ. V. 12 2. Remember who you would be apart from being in Christ V. 13 3. Remember the significance of being in Christ V 14-16 4. Remember the…