Today, we come to the conclusion of our Missions Revival for 2023 with our services this morning and this evening. For most of the two decades that I have served here with you at Summerville Baptist Church, we have made October our month to focus on the Lord’s mission for His churches to fulfill His great commission unto His followers. Someone has said, “Missions is not a program of the church, but rather the church is God’s program for missions” and I agree with that 100%. Too many Christians in too many churches see local and worldwide evangelization as something extra and optional. However, for the Christ focused and Bible submissive Christian and church, it is indisputably one of the primary purposes of our existence and function according to God Himself. There are plenty of churches in our valley and in our world that you will never hear a challenging message about personal evangelism, but that does not mean it is a good thing. There are many churches that you can attend in which you will never hear an appeal to give extra funds to help spread the Gospel unto the uttermost part of the earth, but that does not make it right. We will not answer to God for what any other church does or does not do in their ministry as an assembly, but we will answer to God for what we do and don’t do in this church in regards to God’s expressed will for His followers in His churches. The purpose of these revival services is to stir the hearts and minds of God’s children in regards to our missions involvement. The word revival means to revive and any revival meeting is to revive the passion and vigor of God’s people for the things of God and our obedience to them. As we journey through life here on the earth, we can tend to become complacent in our passion or even distracted in our focus on the eternal things of God and His will for our lives. Revival services are intended to ignite or renew a passion in our soul for the things God wants for His children. In regards to the great commission, we know that God wants His children to proclaim the message of the Gospel faithfully where they live, while at the same time help others do the same things in other places around the globe. It is my prayer that everyone of us who call Summerville Baptist Church their church home will allow God to stir our hearts in regards to giving out Gospel tracts more regularly, helping with corporate evangelism more faithfully, willingly give offerings above the tithe to missions by faith trusting the Lord to provide for it, personally engage in prayer and communication with the missionaries we already support, and fervently pray for God to enable our church to continually make progress in our impact eternally in the furtherance of the Gospel ministry while we are here on the earth. This is God’s will for us and needs to be our obedience to Him.