Love One Another

Twenty times in nineteen verses in nine books of the New Testament in the King James Bible, these words are used together. God has repeated this statement so many times for us humans to get the understanding of how seriously He wants us to take this command in His Word. Everywhere we go, every single day, every one of us are coming into contact with hurting people who need to be touched by love. Even the human love that anyone can offer is helpful when you are hurting, but God’s love that we gain in a relationship with God through faith in Christ and being filled with the Holy Spirit is the best of all. The hurting people we interface with everyday need to see God’s love demonstrated by His children. They need to hear words that are filled with God’s love evident in them as they hear them. They need to feel the impact of God’s love in helping to lift the burden of hurt they are dealing with in their life. Being filled with the Spirit of the living God in our life instead of being dominated by our carnal flesh will help us see the needs around us and act in ways to touch those hurting people with true, genuine, biblical, “agape” love. Showing love can be providing a meal or offering to pray with someone who is clearly hurting. Showing love might be sending a card or a note or even a thoughtful text letting them know that you are thinking of them and praying for them. Showing God’s love to another person is not always doing a big thing as much as it is doing something that touches a person in need in helping to bear the burden they are carrying. Showing God’s love can be as simple as a kind word or a gracious act of kindness. The world and our communities have plenty of hate and selfishness that is promoted by the god of this world and the love that is only possible to us from God is the solution to the problem. God provides to us His love and Jesus displayed to us what His love looks like and God’s Word declares to us His command to show love to one another; therefore, we just need to take what we have been given and put it into action because it is much needed. This week, I would dare say that everyone in this assembly today will come into contact with one or two people who are hurting that would be greatly impacted by having God’s love shown to them in a tangible way if we will just pay attention and take the time to make a difference in their lives.