Continue Doing God’s Work

In our staff meeting this past week, we looked at this truth just as we did last Sunday evening in our evening worship service. It is my prayer, and I hope the prayer of us all, that we will continue in the work of the Lord here on this earth in the ministry He has left for us to do until we arrive in eternity with Him. We pray that as a church we will to continue in faithfulness to the various assemblies of worshippers in the house of God through each week. I desire to see more people taking part in the various prayer groups throughout the week for men and women as we continue in the vital ministry of prayer. I hope to see more people growing spiritually as a result of their personal and corporate time of study in the Word of God as we continue through this year. I want to see more in our church taking part in continuing in the will of God in spreading the Gospel message of Salvation here and around the world. I want to see more of God’s people enjoying God’s blessings in their lives by honoring Him and His will for their lives in His church here and in the valley as we go through the days of this coming year. I pray we will honor the Lord as an assembly of believers more in the coming year in our obedience to His will and Word. Some need to continue making progress upon the progress they saw God do in their lives last year and continue on, while some need to make steps of progress in their lives in their faithful obedience to God in their life so they can begin being more faithful in their worship, prayer, stewardship, service, and witnessing. I also pray that we will see the Lord bless in miraculous ways to see continued progress in our facility development for the future of the ministry here in the Lord’s church. I pray we will see the nursery relocation project come to fruition and see progress in developing the education center next door. I also pray we will see great progress in the building fund, so we can get closer to breaking ground on the future ministry center building project that will enable us to see progress in the ministry for years into the future. We just need to continue yielding to God and His will in doing the things He has given us to do and trusting Him to do the part only He can do. I pray we will all CONTINUE!