In the beginning, God created mankind in His image. God sent His only begotten Son into the world to make redemption possible for mankind in paying the debt of their sins against God for them. Every life has value because it is created by God and for God’s glory. Sin brings destruction into our lives as human beings. Sin destroys lives, relationships, families, churches, testimonies, bodies, and God receiving the glory He deserves. God’s will for each person is to benefit from what they can have with Him in life and in eternity. God wants lost people to get saved, so He wants saved people telling lost people how they can be saved. God is a life giver and He wants people to experience the life they can have with Him. Satan is a destroyer of life and he uses sin to steal from people the life they could have. He uses sin to destroy people’s bodies. He uses sin to kill people so they have no hope, or literally take their own life or destroy their life even unto death. Sadly, for the lost the destruction of sin does not end there. It continues on into eternity in Hell with eternal damnation as the result of choosing sin over the Saviour. There is another sin that is destroying lives by the hundreds every day, and that sin is the destruction of the preborn in the heinous atrocity of abortion. I fear that many think the Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court in 2022 was the ultimate victory in the war for the sanctity of human life, but the reality is that it was merely the winning of a battle, but the war still rages. Many states have instituted the heartbeat law to regulate abortion more stringently; however, many other liberal states have made abortion a constitutional right for women, while other states have defeated heartbeat laws from being passed. The battle for the value of human life rages on and we must continue to be the voice of the voiceless, innocent little ones whose constitutional right to life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness is being ignored by those who are living. Please keep praying for this critical issue in our nation. Please keep voting biblically in each election. Please keep calling elected officials to share your biblical perspective. Please keep sharing your views of the truth about abortion lovingly and respectfully to others. Please keep honoring the Creator of human life to whom we will all give account to for our part in this matter.