Continue in God’s Word

As individual followers of Jesus Christ who are gathering together in this assembly, it is my prayer that we will all continue in God’s Word this year. That is part of what God is inspiring Paul to record here for the benefit of young Timothy. It is clear when Paul reminds Timothy that he knows what Paul believes regarding truth or “doctrine” in verse 10. Paul’s beliefs came from God’s Word. Also, when Paul reminds Timothy that he clearly knew Paul’s “faith,” which is also from God’s Word. A biblical church is all about proclaiming the Word of God, and we need to continue in the Word of God in order to continue being a biblical church. For this church or any church to continue in God’s Word, it is essential that the people who make it up and are involved in it continue in God’s Word. The church is the people; so, for the church to continue in God’s Word, the people must continue in God’s Word. We continue in God’s Word by first of all reading it personally. By which I do not mean merely reading words on the pages of Scripture, but rather reading it thoughtfully, meditatively, and devotionally. We do this by taking our time to think as we read and let the words we are reading speak to our soul, our heart, and our inner being, where we relate to God. We need to pray before we read asking God to teach us and speak to us from what we read. We need to go through our day contemplating the truths that we looked at as we were reading God’s Word earlier. However, to continue in God’s Word we also need to be faithful to God’s house for the teaching and preaching of God’s Word. According to Hebrews 10:25, the assembling of the saints in the house of God for the worship of God around the Word of God needs to increase the closer we get to the coming of the Lord. We live in a day and age of churches assembling less, when they should be assembling more. We live in a day and age of people who say they are followers of Christ assembling in those churches less when they should be assembling more. Many churches are cancelling Sunday Bible study classes, evening services, and even midweek services because of a lack of involvement by the majority of attendees in those churches. But according to what God has recorded in His Word in Hebrews 10:25, God wants His children to continue in assembling in His house more not less. To continue God’s Word as a church, we also need to be actively proclaiming His Word to those in our community. We need to talk to the people we come in contact with about His Word which is what evangelism and witnessing is all about. Please be faithful to continue in God’s Word.