II Timothy 3:14
“But continue thou
in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of,
knowing of whom thou hast learned them;”
Welcome to the first Lord’s Day worship of Summerville Baptist Church for this new year of 2025. This year our ministry theme is “CONTINUE” and that is our goal; to continue in the things we have learned of God from His Word for His children generally, this church body collectively, and our own lives personally. We want to continue in the ministry He has clearly stated to us in His Word and that He has guided us to as a local church here in the Grande Ronde Valley. We want to continue in His will for us as individual Christians and as a biblical church ministry as a whole. We want to continue in evangelism and discipleship of believers. We want to continue growing as individual believers in our own daily walk with the Lord in His Word and grow as a group of believers in this assembly together. We want to continue in these biblical disciplines as well as continue in fasting, praying, and seeking the Lord to turn away from this world and our carnal desires. I pray that we will continue to seek to honor the Lord in our giving financially to the work of the Lord here and abroad with obedient tithes and offerings to missions and the building fund. I hope we will see God continue to bless our submission to His direction as a church family as we give sacrificially to the building fund and see Him work supernaturally beyond our own ability to bring in the funds needed to break ground and also to see the completion of the new multipurpose ministry building in a timely manner. This year we will receive several offerings for this project beginning with Easter. I am asking you to prayerfully consider a sacrificial offering for Easter Sunday and to prayerfully consider what God would enable you to give to this project over the course of the coming two years, much like we do for missions each year. We cannot continue the ministry we have if we lower our tithes to the general fund and we cannot continue our current missions support if we take from our missions giving either. This giving needs to be over and above that, which truly involves a sacrifice and faith in the Lord to provide. This journey of giving to see this facility completed will grow us in our faith in giving to God and seeing Him meet our needs. Teri and I are already praying about what God would enable us to give and I hope you will join us in this prayer and fasting in seeking the Lord on behalf of His church as we prepare for the future of His work in this place.