I have often heard people say that they wished God gave us an owner’s manual for life or marriage or parenting or something else. Often, my response is that He has and it is found in His Word. God clearly states His plan and purpose for how He wants His children to live life, do marriage, parent the children He blesses their marriage with, and most every other major topic of concern in His Word, the Holy Bible. When it comes to the wisdom of living life and the way to relate with the true, eternal, Creator God; God also gave us a living example that we can follow in sending His Son to earth in human form to live among us as one of us. Some of what people saw and heard while He was here is recorded in God’s Word. Jesus showed us and taught us how to pray to the Father, submit to the Father, and honor the Father in the record of His life in the Gospels of the New Testament. The life of Christ as recorded in the New Testament makes it clear to us that the God of the Bible keeps His promises because what He prophesied in the Old Testament about Messiah was fulfilled in Christ coming. Even the idea of a biblical church is only truly defined for us by God in His Word, the Bible. As we have been studying on Wednesday evening, the reality of what worship is biblically is also clearly explained and detailed in Scripture. Even the topics of politics, finances, work, and management are covered by God in His Word. God has not left these important matters of life up to us to figure out on our own. He knows how critical they are and how needy we are for His help in getting it right; therefore, He has given us His wisdom as a road map for life, a blueprint on how to build our life and relationships in a way that will bless us and others and that He will be glorified by and be able to bless. The problem is that many of these truths that we need to benefit from are not all laid out in one place. They are covered in different places, in different ways, and at different times throughout His Word. This is why we need to be readers, studiers, and students of His Word. It is necessary for us to regularly let God’s truth saturate our minds so that we can know His truth to help us follow His blueprint defining how we are to build our life His way so we can experience His blessings now and forever. This is why I often say that we will never be all that God wants us to be as His children without regular personal and corporate worship in our lives. I encourage us all to build our lives and our relationships with God and others according to the blueprint of His Word.