Every Person in Every Place

I Kings 8:60

“That all the people of the earth may know that the LORD is God,

and that there is none else.”

God is very clear in both the Old Testament and the New Testament that He wants every person in every place to know Him for who He is, the one and only LORD God Almighty.  The context of this chapter is the dedication of the Temple of God that Solomon built. The Ark of the Covenant has been brought into the most holy place and the glory of the Lord filled the Temple to show His acceptance of this house of worship. It is clear in this text that what God did here was to make Himself known to all people of the earth. God makes His glory known through His work on earth so that the people of the earth everywhere can know that He alone is the true and living God whom they need in their life. In the Old Testament, God made Himself known on earth through the nation of Israel. Many of their leaders perverted His work through making His truth into the religion of men. Therefore, in the New Testament, God moved the tool of making Himself known through His church that He sent Jesus to start and every church on earth that is staying faithful to His Word and doing His work. Unfortunately, too many churches are following the example of the nation of Israel and perverting God’s truth and God’s work on earth; therefore, not making Him known nor displaying His glory. God’s plan for His church has not changed and His plan to make Himself known on earth through His people has not changed; therefore, we should not be messing with it either. As children of God on earth today through faith in Jesus Christ as our Saviour, the Great Commission is still God’s will for each and every one of us. As the church of God here at Summerville, it is our responsibility to live to God’s glory in front of those here on this earth and to make Him known to them through the truth of His Word. Taking part in spreading the Gospel here where we live and supporting others to do the same thing in other places is God’s will for all of us. God wants every person in every place to know who He is and what He wants for their life.