All People in All Places

God is very clear in His Word regarding His desire for lost people to hear the Gospel so they can believe unto Salvation as well as His will about saved people communicating His Gospel message to the lost so they can hear it personally. If all of the saved people in all places would do their job, then lost people could hear so they could respond in faith and believe on Christ to save them. This is what the Word of God explicitly communicates. This is the will of God clearly delineated in Holy Scripture. To come to any other conclusion, you must interpret Scripture privately from a personal bias received from a source independent of God’s stated Word. If God’s people would be committed to submitting to the authority of God’s Word and surrender themselves to the control of God’s Spirit, then we would have revival in God’s churches. Christians would then be exponentially more evangelistic and more souls would be saved. The average Christian would be far more godly in their living of everyday life; therefore, the holiness of God would be impacting more lost people to clearly see they are missing something vital to living life in a better way. God’s plan is always the best plan. God’s plan for marriage is the best plan, and for anyone to have the best chance possible for success, it is by following His plan outlined in His Word. God’s plan for parenting is the best plan, and it is only found in His Word. Following any plan that contradicts God’s plan is a destiny to disaster. God’s plan for getting to Heaven is not only the best plan, it is the only plan that guarantees success, and every plan of man is destined to failure. God’s plan for living life effectively is the best plan. Many others may seem to work, but they all have a downside. Only God’s plan brings fulfillment with no negative side effects. God’s plan church ministry is the best plan. There are many ideas out there and some maybe more effective than others. But there is only one plan that guarantees God’s blessing, favor, and power; and that plan is His plan recorded for us in His Word. The same is true for worldwide evangelization. God’s plan is the best plan, and it is recorded in His Word. It boils down to the reality of His Great Commission. Every believer, in every place seeking to share the Gospel clearly to as many people as they can in their lifetime, so that all people in all places can hear the Gospel and have the potential to put their faith in Christ as their personal Saviour.