Anyone Anywhere Anytime

Anyone is a good person for any Christian to share the Gospel with at any time. No matter who it is being shared with, the Gospel can have an impact for the glory of God. If they are already saved, they should be blessed by the truth of what saved their soul and that you cared enough to share it with them to make sure they knew. I have given people a Gospel tract before and they have said, “thank you, but I have already trusted Christ as my Saviour”, and then they said, “but I will keep this to give to someone else who needs it”. I have also witnessed to people who were already saved and they praised the Lord for the fact that they had already benefitted from the love of God extended to them through His Son Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for their sins. As we talked further, we were both praising the Lord for His great Salvation provided to us by our Saviour. Even someone who doesn’t seem interested in hearing or receiving a Gospel tract, if you offer it to them and they take it. at least they have it for when they may become interested in the future. I have heard testimonies of people who received a Gospel tract and set it aside for months or even years before they finally read it. But when they did read it, the truth of God’s Word began to work on their soul as they thought about what it said. They shared about how they were feeling convicted about their sinfulness, how something inside of them was telling them that they needed what that information was speaking about, and then they confessed their sin to God calling on Jesus to save them from their sins just like the literature said they should do. Sometimes the Holy Spirit will specifically prompt you to give the Gospel to an individual and when that happens, we should truly obey. However, the Bible has already stated the will of God to all of His children about their responsibility to spread the Gospel to everyone in everyplace. God has clearly stated in His Word that everyone needs to hear the Gospel so they can be saved; therefore, anyone is clearly a good recipient of receiving the Gospel in whatever form we can get it to them anytime they are willing to receive it. And none of knows if anyone is willing to receive until we ask them. Therefore, offering the Gospel to anyone in any place at any time is always an act of obedience.