Everyone Everywhere

You have heard me say before, “all means all and that’s all that all means y’all” and that is what the Bible clearly supports in many places in regards to the matter of who can be saved. We let the Bible speak for itself around here; we do not trust what men say about the Bible over what the Bible says for itself. No one with a basic understanding of the Bible would ever say that the responsibility and guilt of sin is only for a select few. Romans 5:12 makes it very clear that sin has passed along to “all men, for that all men have sinned:” which means all are sinners- not a select few. Romans 5:15 makes it very clear that just as the offence of sin is unto all people, “so also is the free gift.” This makes it clear that just as sin is passed along to all humans the free gift of Salvation from sin is equally applicable to all people. Romans 5:18 declares that the judgment due to sin came upon all of us through one man who was Adam, and the free gift of God’s righteousness unto justification is possible for all sinners through one man, Jesus Christ, the God-man. Romans 5:21 explains that the result of sin being death is applied to all of us, because we are all sinners and in the same way God’s grace is available to all of us who are sinners so we can be righteous and have eternal life through receiving Jesus Christ as our Saviour. The Bible is very clear about God’s will in regards to the Gospel of Salvation being needed by all people everywhere because everyone everywhere has the possibility to trust in Jesus for their Salvation from the penalty of our sins. I realize that many people disagree with this Scripture, but if we just let the Bible speak for itself without letting any mere human explain it to mean something very different than what it clearly says, then we see that all who have sin are the same people as the all that justification is unto for eternal life. Everyone everywhere needs to hear the Gospel message because everyone everywhere can receive the message of the Gospel and exercise faith to believe on Jesus Christ as their Saviour to cleanse them from their sins and give the gift of eternal life.