Introduction: Synergy Chain reaction
- If you will do these things Proverbs 2: 1-4
- If you will receive His Words 1-2
- If you crave for the knowledge of His understanding 3
- If you seek after God’s wisdom in His Word as treasure 4
- Then these things will result Proverbs 2: 5-9
- Realizing the reality of reverencing the Lord 5a
- Discovering the knowledge of God 5b-6
- Through wisdom given from the Lord
- Through the knowledge from God’s mouth
- Through the understanding of God’s mouth
- Experiencing the help of the Lord Proverbs 2:7-8
- With Him supplying His wisdom to you
- With Him protecting you as you walk in His ways
- With Him prompting you to stay on the path of life He will bless
- Comprehending the way of the Lord Proverbs 2:9
- When it does, these things will happen as well Proverbs 2:10-22
- When God’s wisdom enters your soul 10a
- It will influence your thinking
- It will guide your decision making
- It will temper your desires to be honoring to God
- When God’s knowledge is delightful to your soul 10b
- They will help you make decisions that honor God 11
- With discernment to see things that normally you might miss on your own
- With carefulness to make the best choices that God will bless
- With insights that will help you with a plan to guide you in the right direction
- With understanding beyond your own ability to help protect you from disaster
- God will use these things to deliver us from destruction 12-19
- The destruction of evil influences 12-15
- The destruction of sensual influences 16-19
- By avoiding bad influences, we can choose good influences 20-22
- Enabling you to do what you should do
- Walk in the way that will cause you to avoid wickedness
- Stay on the path of the righteous children of God
- When God’s wisdom enters your soul 10a
- Doing right helps us to experience God’s best for our lives V. 21
- Doing right helps us avoid God’s judgement on our lives V. 22