Text: I Chronicles 16:8-36
V. Seeking the Lord for His will in our lives vss. 10-11
- To rejoice our hearts in deeper intimacy with Him
- Seeking the Lord to know Him more personally
- Seeking the Lord to know more about Him personally
- Seeking the Lord to know more of Him in me
- To be strengthened by His strength in us
- To experience His blessings as we obey Him
VI. Celebrating our covenant relationship with God vss. 14-22
- Our personal relationship with Him vs. 14 “our God”
- Reminding ourselves of the truth of it vs. 15
- The covenant God made available to us vs. 16
- The everlasting covenant confirmed in His Word vs. 17
- The covenant of an inheritance in a land to come vs. 18
- The covenant of His presence with us and care of us vs. 19-22
VII. Declaring His glory and salvation unto those who do not have it vss. 23-31
- Making it known in word and deed vs. 23 “show forth day to day his salvation”
- Showing it forth in our witness
- Showing it forth in our testimony
- Declaring the glory of God to others vs. 24
- To the saved to edify them in their faith
- To the lost to evangelize them to the faith
- Declaring the greatness of God above all vs. 25
- Declaring the Creator God superior to others vs. 26
- Inviting those without Him to come to Him vs. 27-31
- Come into His presence and place by His glory vs. 27 Matthew 11:28-30
- Bring the glory unto Him He is due in His holiness vs. 28-29
- To submit to Him and honor Him with their life vs. 30
- To enjoy the gladness of the true God in their life vs. 31
VIII. Asking for the Lord’s help in our lives for the days ahead vss. 35-36
- God’s help in gathering us together vs. 35a
- God’s help in delivering us from the wicked vs. 35b
- God’s help in bringing Him the glory He is worthy of in our lives vs. 35c
- God being blessed in us, through us, and by us as His children vs. 36