February 18, 2024 TEXT: I Peter 2:1-12
BAPTIST Distinctives:
- Bible is the Sole Authority for Faith and Practice
- Autonomy of Individual Biblical Churches
- Priesthood of the True Believer in Jesus Christ
- Two Ordinances of Biblical Churches; Baptism and the Lord’s Table
- Individual Soul Liberty of the Born-again Believer in Jesus Christ
- Separation of Biblical Churches from the world, form the government, from unbiblical churches
- Two Offices of Biblical Churches: Pastors and Deacons
Introduction: Verse 1 “Wherefore” (I Peter 1:17-25)
- >Calling out to God the Father for His grace and mercy
- >Being redeemed of our sins by the blood of Christ
- >Believe in God and His plan of Salvation through His Son Jesus Christ
- >Growing in His holiness being lived in our lives by obeying His Word with the help of His Spirit
- >Those who have been born again by the working of the Gospel in their heart as it is declared from the Word of God
I. Genuine Salvation produces changes (vv. 1-3)
- Changes in our behavior externally (v. 1)
- Changes in our spiritual nature internally (v. 2; II Corinthians 5:17-18; II Peter 1:3-4)
- Changes because of receiving the Lord in your life (v. 3)
II. Genuine Salvation produces life from death (vv. 4-6)
- Jesus is the living stone that was rejected (v. 4)
- Jesus makes us lively stones when we receive Him (v. 5)
- Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith (v. 6)
III. Genuine Salvation is about believing (vv. 7-8)
- To them that believe He is precious (v. 7a)
- To them that disobey He is rejected (vv. 7-8)
- To them that believe He becomes their Saviour (v. 8)
IV. Genuine Salvation is God’s determination (vv. 9-10)
- God determines that Salvation gives us direct access to God (v. 9)
- B. God determines that Salvation changes everything forever (v. 10)
V. Genuine Salvation allows us to glorify God eternally (vv. 11-12)
- Children of God are only passing through this earth (v. 11a)
- Children of God are to work against fleshly lusts (v. 11b)
- Children of God are to be honest and do good works (v. 12a; Ephesians 2:8-10)
- Children of God are to bring glory to God now and forever (v. 12b)