September 22, 2024
Series #2 Our Philosophy of Ministry I Peter 1:13-25
We the membership of Summerville Baptist Church rest our faith for salvation in the
Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that the Grace of God with the guidance of the Holy Spirit
has allowed us to write this Constitution. We band together within the tenets of Baptist
distinctives as enumerated in our Declaration of Faith and Principles of Christian Belief.
The observance of these beliefs guides us in our worship, behavior, and Christian service.
Slide only, each paragraph separately
Our Church Covenant
We have been led, as we believe, by the Holy Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus
Christ as our Savior. Upon the profession of our faith we have been scripturally baptized in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. We do now, in the presence of God,
angels, and this congregation, most solemnly and joyfully enter into this covenant, one with
another as the Body of Christ.
We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to give this Church a sacred
preeminence over all human institutions and organizations. We strive for its advancement in
knowledge, holiness, and comfort; for the promotion of its prosperity and spirituality. We agree
to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines. We agree to contribute cheerfully
and regularly to the support of its ministry, expenses, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the
Gospel throughout all nations. Because we believe the Holy Spirit has made our Pastor overseer
of our church we agree to honor, esteem and love our Pastor, to pray for him fervently and daily,
to submit to him in the exercise of his office, to attend constantly upon his ministrations and to
manifest a tender regard for his reputation.
We also engage to maintain private and family devotions. We agree to bring up our
children in the fear and admonition of the Lord and to seek the salvation of our kindred and
acquaintances. We agree to walk circumspectly in the world. We believe that the goal of every
Christian is to live in personal holiness in this present, wicked world as stated in I Peter 1:13-23
and Titus 2:11-15. Therefore, we will strive to avoid gossip, tattling, backbiting, excessive anger,
lustful entertainment, the abuse of alcohol, or the use or sale of illicit drugs. We will also strive
to avoid the use or sale of alcoholic beverages in a business where these are the main
commodities sold or consumed. We will furthermore strive to avoid any conduct which
Scripturally compromises our Christian testimony. We urge our members not to be a stumbling
block to others, as stated in Romans 14:13-23 and to use wisdom in regards to these matters, as
stated in Proverbs 20:1. Clearly, the only guarantee to avoid being controlled by harmful,
addictive behaviors or chemical substances is by practicing self-control and abstinence. (I Thessalonians 4:3-8; 5:22)
We agree to uphold high standards of Christian morality as
outlined in the Scriptures of the King James Version and to be zealous in our service for the
Introduction: This text and our Church Covenant call us to benefit from God’s Word in our life.
vs. 16 It is written in God’s Word that God wants us to be holy in our living.
vs. 23 God’s Word is essential to faith for Salvation and Sanctification.
vs. 25 God’s Word is eternal and unchanging and we need it to know God.
God’s Word is declared in many places to be an essential ingredient in building a life that honors God.
I. God’s Word helps us think biblically (vv. 13-16)
Our thoughts determine our desires, our desires determine our behaviors.
We also engage to maintain private and family devotions. We agree to bring up our children in
the fear and admonition of the Lord and to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances.
We agree to walk circumspectly in the world. We believe that the goal of every Christian is to
live in personal holiness in this present, wicked world as stated in I Peter 1:13-23 and Titus 2:11-
15. Therefore, we will strive to avoid gossip, tattling, backbiting, excessive anger, lustful
entertainment, the abuse of alcohol, or the use or sale of illicit drugs. We will also strive to avoid
the use or sale of alcoholic beverages in a business where these are the main commodities sold or
consumed. We will furthermore strive to avoid any conduct which Scripturally compromises our Christian testimony.
A. We need God’s Word to purify our minds (v. 13)
B. We need God’s Word to protect our minds (v. 14; Proverbs 23:6-7; Matthew 9:3-4)
C. We need God’s Word to progress in personal holiness (vv. 15-16)
II. God’s Word helps us prepare for eternity with God (vv. 17-21)
We urge our members not to be a stumbling block to others, as stated in Romans 14:13-23 and
to use wisdom in regards to these matters, as stated in Proverbs 20:1. Clearly, the only guarantee
to avoid being controlled by harmful, addictive behaviors or chemical substances is by
practicing self-control and abstinence. (I Thessalonians 4:3-8 & 5:22)
A. Because of our accountability to God (v. 17)
Because of our Salvation from God (vv. 18-19)
1. Our redemption is not our doing
2. Our redemption is only by the blood of Jesus
3. Our redemption is completely provided to us by God
B. Because of our hope in God (vv. 20-21)
III. God’s Word helps us live to God’s glory (vv. 22-24)
We agree to uphold high standards of Christian morality as outlined in the Scriptures of the King James Version and to be zealous in our service for the Lord.
A. It helps us to be clean before God
B. It helps us to be obedient to God
It helps us to be filled with God’s Spirit
It helps us to be loving towards others
It helps us to be spiritual where our flesh cannot (vv. 23-24)
1. Salvation
2. Sanctification
3. Surrender
4. Service
IV. God’s Word must be heard and heeded to help us (v. 25)
A. God’s Word is enduring forever
God’s Word is eternally true
God’s Word is essential for everyone
1. It must be proclaimed to get the Gospel out to everyone in every place
It must be preached to help God’s children grow in their faith
It must be practiced in order to help us build a Godly life